Tubular Inspection

Tubular Inspection of New and Used OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) Tubing, Casing, Heavy Weight Drill Pipes, Drill Collars, and Bottom Hole Assembly.
Categories and steps of inspection will be in accordance with API 5A5, 5CT, 7-1, RP7G , and Premium Connection Technical standards and field running catalogs.
Tubular inspection methods include but not limit to:
- Visual Thread Inspection.
- Visual Pipe Inspection.
- Thread Gauging Unit.
- Electromagnetic inspection unit - EMI for Drill Pipe Body Inspection.
- Electromagnetic inspection unit - EMI for Tubing Body Inspection.
- Electromagnetic inspection unit - EMI for Casing Body Inspection.
- Magnetic particle inspection - MPI.
- Ultrasonic Share Wave.
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges.
- Straightening body.
- Internally Full Length Cleaning.
- Externally Full Length Cleaning.
- Dimensional Inspection of Pipe.
- Tool Joint Dimensional Inspection.
- Wet fluorescent magnetic particle (black light) inspection.
- Dye Penetrant Testing API Full Length Drifting.
- Hardness Testing.